event Details
Please note: This event has been postponed.
We thank you for your understanding of these changes, which are made for the wellbeing of our visitors, staff and volunteers.
Featuring the work of 100 of the world’s finest photographers, Civilisation, Photography, Now illustrates our increasingly global, connected society, and encourages viewers to consider where we live, how we consume, what we make, and how we travel, learn, explore and control.
We invite all Gallery Members to attend the Members Preview of this major exhibition on Friday 3 April. International curators William A. Ewing and Holly Roussell are travelling to Auckland for the opening of the exhibition and will give an introductory talk in the Gallery Auditorium from 12–12.40pm followed by a catalogue signing session in the Gallery shop. The exhibition will be open for an exclusive viewing from 12:30-4pm. The curators will join the viewing from 2–3pm for a short talk followed by an opportunity for questions.
Seating for the talk is on a first-come-first-served basis (booking not required).
If you are not a Member but interested in attending this event, click here to find out how to join.
Image credit:
Michael Wolf, Architecture of Density #91 (detail), 2006, c-type print. Courtesy of M97 Shanghai.
- Date
- Location
- Auckland Art Gallery Auditorium and Level 1
- Cost
- FREE (Members only)