The Gallery is grateful to all the artists and copyright holders who have given their permission for images to appear on this website. Unless specifically stated otherwise, none of the content on this site may be reproduced, communicated to the public, transmitted or copied without the Gallery’s express written permission, except for the purposes of private study, research, criticism, review or education, in accordance with the Copyright Act 1994.
For written permission to reproduce information on this website for any purpose other than personal use, please contact the author, where named, in the first instance or contact the Gallery. When information from this website is used in any context, it must reference this website and the date of publication of the website must be stated.
Works, including text, sound recordings, images and artworks, are used on this site with the permission of artists, authors, donors and/or lenders of those works. The Gallery is committed to respecting the intellectual property rights of others. Every effort has been made to locate the copyright owners of material used in this website. In cases where this has not been possible copyright owners are invited to contact the Gallery.
To the best of Auckland Art Gallery's knowledge, under New Zealand law:
- There are no copyright or other intellectual property rights for works with a Copyright Status of 'No known copyright restrictions' or 'Copyright expired' in New Zealand; and
- This material may be copied and otherwise re-used in New Zealand without copyright or other intellectual property right related restriction.
- Auckland Art Gallery will not be liable to you, on any legal basis (including negligence), for any loss or damage you suffer through your use of this material, except in those cases where the law does not allow us to exclude or limit our liability to you.
- Auckland Art Gallery cannot guarantee that sharing these images may not inadvertently infringe upon the rights of copyright holders unknown to us, and Auckland Art Gallery cannot accept liability if this should happen.
Māori images
Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki is committed to respecting intellectual property rights, as well as expressions of Māori culture in Aotearoa New Zealand. We ask you to do the same. You’re encouraged to use images as a way of remembering and sharing your experience of our exhibitions, but the reproduction of portraits as commercial items or the use of the images in a way that would cause offence is strictly prohibited.
The Gallery is grateful to all those descendants who have given permission for images of their ancestors to appear on this website.
Photography and filming in the Gallery
We encourage visitors to capture their favourite works and memories of visiting our exhibitions on display; however we have a few important conditions to be aware of.
You may take photographs with hand-held cameras for personal use only. The use of tripods, selfie sticks, external stabilising devices or other camera attachments, flash or additional lighting is not permitted without the permission of the Gallery. A request must be made and granted before such equipment can be used in any gallery spaces.
Any images taken should not be reproduced or displayed on personal websites and must not be sold commercially or displayed publicly in any way that disrespects the subjects in the artworks or causes offence to any individuals or groups.
Look out for the ‘no photography’ icon indicating objects, exhibitions or events that cannot be filmed or photographed. This restriction may be for cultural reasons, due to copyright law, privacy, or to protect the people or objects involved.

To request permission for your photography or filming, please contact us via Please allow at least five working days for a response. Filming and photography is not always possible, and may incur a fee
Wedding or engagement shoots
The Gallery does not allow wedding or engagement photography to take place inside the building unless you have hired the venue for a wedding reception or ceremony. Find out more about venue hire here.
Special permits and reproduction requests
For information on reproduction requests and commercial filming and photography permits, refer to our Request a Print page.