ArtLab – Mix the Rainbow: Colour and Shape

 —  10am – 5pm, every day

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Mix the Rainbow: Colour and Shape

Hanumitia te Āniwaniwa: Ngā Tae me te Āhua


How many colours can you find in a rainbow? What shape might it take? How could it change? Discover a kaleidoscopic world of colours and shapes in this ArtLab. From suncatchers to spinners, explore how colour can mix, transform and surprise in shifting rainbows of light, movement and imagination.

E hia ngā tae e kite ana koe i roto i te āniwaniwa? He aha pea tōna āhua? Ka pēhea pea tana panoni? Tūhuratia he ao takawhīwhiwhi o ngā tae me ngā āhua i tēnei ArtLab. Mai i ngā hopu-rā ki ngā porotiti, tūhuratia te āhua o te hanumi o ngā tae, te whakaumu me te mīharotanga o ngā āniwaniwa nuku aho, te nekeneke me te pohewatanga.


Due to the high interactivity of this programme it can only operate under Orange conditions

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