The Schools and Learning team is excited to work with ākonga across all learning areas in Years 7-13. Our skilled educators facilitate and support student-led responses to, and conversations about, artworks to deepen appreciation and understanding of art and its contexts.

Choose from a range of programmes tailored to your subject area and students’ needs, interests and learning objectives to develop critical and creative thinking skills, while enriching your local curriculum (ELC).

NEW: Outreach Workshop: Painting with Luise Fong – 90 minutes
Artist and Gallery Educator, Luise Fong, will come to your art room to work with Visual Arts students developing their own practice. Drawing on her own extensive experience and artist models, Luise will work with your ākonga to plan a painting and explore different painting media and strategies. All materials provided.

NEW: Media and Processes, plus Taupuni Mahi Studio programme – 2 hours.

This Gallery and Studio programme focuses on artworks in our collection. In the Gallery spaces, ākonga will analyse and develop appreciation of the media and processes used by artists working in different styles. In the Taupuni Mahi Studio, ākonga will explore and practise different media and processes in relation to the works examined in the Gallery. This programme is ideal for Visual Arts, Design, Art History and English ākonga who want to develop an appreciation of how media and processes create effects and communicate meanings.

Making Sense of Art (Bespoke) – 1 hour or 1.5 hours + opportunity to self-guide

Verse and Vision: Creative writing – 1.5 hours + opportunity to self-guide

For and Against: Debating ideas and concepts around art – 1.5 hour + opportunity to self-guide

Guided Tour

To book a Secondary programme, please complete our enquiry form.


Request a Gallery kaiārahi to support learning in te reo Māori and te ao Māori.

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