

exhibition Details

Puhoro, 2020 brings Adsett’s kōwhaiwhai painting practice into an accord with the South Atrium’s architecture. The puhoro pattern denotes, speed, agility and interconnectedness. Its repeat across the glass wall highlights the eternal nature of kōwhaiwhai, as it links one section to another in an expression of whakapapa (relational ties), echoing connection between people. Puhoro is radiant, colouring light like the stained glass windows we find in places of devotion. It is a glorious reminder of the timeless power of kōwhaiwhai and signals Adsett’s expertise in this artform.

Neke atu i te rima tekau tau a Sandy Adsett e mahi ana hei ringatoi – ko te kōwhaiwhai hei whakaaweawenga mōna me āna mahi. Kua mōhiotia whānuitia a Adsett mō āna mahi kōwhaiwhai – he taonga nō tuawhakarere kua ora ai anō ki te ao hurihuri nei. Nā ngā mahi toi a Adsett mai i te mutunga o te ngahuru tau ono tekau ki waenga o te ngahuru tau whitu tekau, i hua ake ai anō ngā kōrero mō te kōwhaiwhai. Kitea ai i āna mahi toi ngā tae kitakita, ngā momo tauira, me ngā tikanga waituhi hou hoki.

Puhoro is one of the works in Toi Tū Toi Ora: Contemporary Māori Art. Click here to learn more about the full exhibition. 


Artwork credit: Sandy Adsett, Puhoro, 2020, commissioned by Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, 2020, supported by the Auckland Contemporary Art Trust.

Curated by
Nigel Borell
South Atrium

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