Archive Display | Ngā Whenu Raranga | Weaving the Strands Together: The Maureen Lander Archive


exhibition Details

This exhibition celebrates the recent donation of the archive of senior contemporary artist Maureen Lander (born 1942, Te Hikutu, Te Roroa, Ngāpuhi) to the E H McCormick Research Library. The archive, gifted by Lander, provides rich evidence of key relationships, themes and ways of working in her four-decade career.  

In the spirit of tuakana–teina (mentorship), Lander sought the guidance of tohunga raranga (weaving expert) Diggeress Te Kanawa (1920–2009) (Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Kinohaku). They corresponded and exchanged tauira (sample pieces). Lander carried out in-depth research on flax, feathers, cloaks and weaving that is documented in folders illustrated with her own photographs.

The archive richly documents concepts and practicalities, which are on display here: artist statements, exhibition proposals, working drawings, room layouts, and detailed measurements, as well as the tauira and research folders.

Image credits: Jennifer French, Maureen Lander Archive, E H McCormick Research Library, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki, gift of Maureen Lander, 2023

Curated by
Caroline McBride, Tamsyn Bayliss
Research Library Display Case Mezzanine Level

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