
 —  11am–4pm

event Details

After last year's online event, Auckland Zinefest is back IRL, physical, in-the-flesh market! We’re back to celebrate everything zines and DIY at the Auckland Art Gallery. Enjoy works from over 80 zine makers and artists from around New Zealand ranging from poetry, travelogues and literature, to comics, illustrations and photography.

Zines are a medium for people to express and share their experiences and ideologies which are usually underrepresented in mainstream media. This is why Auckland Zinefest attracts various communities and provides an interactive space for them to meet and share knowledge. Join the festivities! Check out our other zinefest events such as talks and workshops on the Auckland Zinefest Facebook page.

Enjoy FREE entry to the Auckland Art Gallery and the market and make sure to bring cash to purchase zines directly from stallholders.

‘Zines Talk’ is a series of panel talks focusing on different zine genres held alongside the zinefest Market. Hosted by Auckland Zinefest, these casual discussions aim to educate the new generation of zinemakers about the variety of power zines hold. Even if you’re a zine veteran, there will be something new to hear!

Held in the Gallery's Auditorium, each panel talk is a chance to hear how various zinemakers use the zine format in different ways. The four ‘Zines Talk’ sessions are Perzines (personal zines), Political Zines, Queer Voices in Zines and Zines for Communities and all talks are free to attend! 

Bring yourself, open ears, and an open mind to get into the minds of zinemakers!

Personal Zines

Saturday 31st July, 11:30am – 12:30pm

Bryce Galloway - http://incrediblyhotsexwithhideouspeople.blogspot.com/, https://www.facebook.com/incrediblyhotsexwithhideouspeople
Ku Ku - https://www.instagram.com/theartistkuku/
Zoë Colling - https://www.instagram.com/lasterdays/

Zines for Communities

Saturday 31st July, 2:30pm – 3:30pm

Sacktap - https://www.instagram.com/sacktapzines/https://linktr.ee/Sacktap
Red Letter Distro - https://redletterdistro.com/, https://www.facebook.com/redletterdistro/

Queer & LGBTQI+ Zinemakers

Sunday 1st August, 11:30am – 12:30pm

The Agenda Zine - https://www.instagram.com/theagendazine/, https://www.theagendazine.com/ 
Overcommunicate Magazine - https://www.instagram.com/overcommag/https://overcommunicate.bigcartel.com/

Political Zines

Sunday 1st August, 2:30pm – 3:30pm

PAPA (People Against Prisons Aotearoa) - https://www.instagram.com/peopleagainstprisonsaotearoahttps://papa.org.nz/ 
Migrant Zine Collective - https://www.instagram.com/migrantzinecollective, https://migrantzinecollective.com/ 
The Freedom Shop Collective - https://freedomshopaotearoa.blogspot.com/

Image credit: Photos courtesy of Auckland Zinefest 

Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, North Atrium