Wi Taepa: Retrospective


event Details

This exhibition celebrates the life and work of senior Māori clay artist Wi Taepa as it looks back at over 30 years of his art practice. It presents key works from Taepa’s career, sharing the breadth and diversity of his thinking and making. Taepa’s remarkable pieces speak strongly to the development of contemporary Māori claywork and illustrate the freedom, artistic expression and innovation for which he has become renowned.

The exhibition is proudly developed in partnership with Pataka Art + Museum.

Hear Curator, Māori Art Nigel Borell discuss the exhibition on RNZ's 'Standing Room Only' programme

Image credits:

Waka 2004
from Raranga Cross Hatching
Collection Sir Roderick and Gillian, Lady Deane

Whale Migration c1998
from Hononga Connections
Collection of Pātaka Art + Museum
Gift of the Deane Endowment Trust

Ipu Moko c2011
Collection Pātaka Art + Museum

Nuku Puta 1994
from Kauhuri Cultivation
Collection of The Dowse Art Museum

Parautanga Plough 2005
from Kauhuri Cultivation
Collection of the artist
Courtesy of Sonya Rimene

Untitled Ipu 2000
from Mahere Mapping
Collection Pātaka Art + Museum

Curated by
Nigel Borell

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