Ihi with Lisa Reihana


event Details

Join Lisa Reihana in Te Pō of the landmark exhibition Toi Tū Toi Ora. Reihana will speak to her taonga (artwork) Ihi - recalling the power of Maori creation stories, and the role Tāne plays in bringing Te Ao Mārama to humankind when he wrenched apart his embracing parents Ranginui and Papatūānuku. 

Since the 1990s, Lisa Reihana has emerged as one of the leading artists in Aotearoa New Zealand. Working across a range of media – including film, sculpture, costume and body adornment, and photography – her art offers a dramatic and dynamic commentary on Māori history and identity. Reihana translates traditional indigenous concepts and narratives from an urban Māori perspective, examining issues of colonialism, gender, language and place. 



Te Wehenga o Ranginui raua ko Papatūānuku

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