Cultured Conversations invites exceptional leaders to discuss the big issues facing the cultural community of Aotearoa New Zealand today.

In this episode, we welcome Vice-Chancellor of The University of Auckland, Dawn Freshwater. Dawn has led an illustrious career in higher education, holding several senior positions in both the UK and Australia, and now in New Zealand as the first female Vice-Chancellor of The University of Auckland.

We discuss the transformational nature of education and the significant changes in digitisation and generative AI - as well as the opportunities and inevitable challenges that come along with it. Dawn challenges the idea of institutional neutrality, discussing the role of critical discourse and how universities can best balance the need for free speech and academic freedom while still creating a safe space for debate, rooted in empathy and trust. She shares her insights on a diverse range of global issues, from sustainability, international conflicts and climate justice, to the role of gender and an ensuing anxiety pandemic. 

Watch now or listen on Spotify.