Thursday 21 January 2016
Marlo San Miguel
For the morning of Day Eight, we had special guests Roger Taberner, from the Gallery, and Clinton Watkins, from AUT, to come in and share their thoughts on the progress of the interns’ films. The pair were qualified to give the final critiques with their backgrounds in making projects such as this. To get things started, we watched the first group’s film and, along with their other interns, our guests would make some comments.
The tone and approach presented to achieve the goals of the project had good variety. One group took a comedic approach, crafting a film as a guide to enjoying art for those that aren’t so sure about how to do it. Another group took an abstract approach at showing the interactivity in viewing art by making their film a form of art itself. The third group had a straightforward approach, showing a variety of age groups and their views on art. The last one had a good mix of abstract features as well as traditional interviews that balanced each other to create an effective film about the influences of art in society and vice versa.
For the most part, the interns gave positive feedback towards their peers whilst the guests mentioned more features involving the mood, the quality of communicating the idea behind the film and other fine tuning suggestions. Given that the films weren’t close to finishing, the feedback was primarily making sure that the bigger picture is set out and to worry later about the finer details such as customised transitions and title blocks.
Tension was high after serious critiques and the interns rushed to finish editing and polish up their films.