Thursday 29 March 2012
Andrea Gaskin
Welcome to our first blog from the Studio at the Auckland Art Gallery! We are excited to have the platform to celebrate the ideas and techniques that the children are interpreting through discussion and making in our studio courses. Not only does it give us a chance to showcase the fantastic ideas that the children are expressing visually, but we hope to also provide interested parents with a bit more of an idea about what we’re up to (in case your children are less than forthcoming with any of the details of their time in the studio!).
We will show you the works that we have been looking at in the Gallery from the Collection, as well as the art ideas and techniques we are exploring in the studio. We will share other sites, articles and blogs that we think are interesting, and offer other ideas and questions that you can use to further your child’s interest in art.
Our next blog will be posted soon with images from our first session of the 6-8 year olds’ studio course cARTography. Here’s a sneaky peek at Amanda’s map of her journey from home to the Auckland Art Gallery.

In the meantime, remember to come in this Saturday 31 March 10am - 4pm) for the Big Day Art, a family day celebrating art. We will have free activities and events throughout the day that explore how we connect with art in many ways - from storytelling to visual art and music making.

Storyteller Tanya Batt will be telling tales this weekend