Monday 8 June 2009
Ron Brownson
Still on the fascinating topic of sports snapshots, here are two different stunners. Coach Nobby Connolly stands at right - coaches always seem to be standing on the right in such shots . Surprisingly, he is not wearing his hat. Neither is his younger assistant coach, at the team's left. Look at the stain marks impressed at the left and right. This snap has been attached to some wall with a drawing pin for many years. There is tobacco staining on the photo's rear. The year is 1933 and the competitive Opawa Rugby team has just defeated another rugby team. From peering at this picture it becomes obvious that these guys have taken part in such a team portrait before. Just see what they are doing with their arms. Sad to consider that within a few years some of these men will go to the War.
What a weird background for a home-made team shot. Everything about this mid 1920s snap is casual and this aspect makes for a more interesting image. The tall guy at left looks right away from the camera and stands in a manner you never usually see in rugby team portraits. The photographer has made no attempt to boss these guys into some symmetry to their pose and expression. Such freedom further emphasizes each man's personal individuality and indicates that this is probably a social team.