Thursday 17 December 2009
Sarah Eades
It's the fourth day already and I'm REALLY impressed with the enthusiasm out there, id like to challenge some more of you who have commented but not suggested anything to think of nominations for artwork to represent the next 8 days, come on, think laterally, there are over 14,000 works to choose from, special mentions for the most tenuous links!
On the fourth day of Christmas
my true love gave to me
Four huhu grubs / 4 Colly Birds
(often given as "Calling Birds")
here's what i have got from all of you out there:
Four huh grubs
(From Kris)
Richard Killeen, Black crawlers, 1978, acrylic lacquer on aluminium
Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki, purchased 1981
Four Colly birds
(From Mary and Kris)
Ichiryusai Hiroshige, Bird on a branch, circa 1850 woodcut in black and grey
Mackelvie Trust Collection, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki
(from Kath)
Shane Cotton, Southern Cross, 2002, 2002, acrylic on canvas
Chartwell Collection, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki, 2003
.......3 French hens (winner from yesterday)
.......2 turtle doves
Percy Thomas, The Doves, etching, Auckland Art Gallery Toi oTamaki, gift of Mrs Ada Chapman Taylor, 1930
.....and a pukeko in a ponga tree
Percy Bagnall, Pukeko, 1919, colour lithographAuckland Art GalleryToi o Tamaki, transferred from the Auckland Public Library, 1932