Monday 5 August 2013
Waimarie Dashper

The Youth Media Interns celebrate the end of the internship at Auckland Art Gallery. Photo: Waimarie Dashper, AUT Media Mentor
The interns were surprised with an extra hour of editing this morning, this came as a major relief as they now had the opportunity to perfect and polish any areas needing work. Once this was finished, we were able to leave the AUT building, and head back over to the Gallery for a final staff viewing session after lunch.
After a couple of humorous skits by the teens acting out their experiences throughout the past week, the staff viewing session took place in the auditorium. Once each group presented their short clip, the staff had a few questions and feedback for them;
Group one: The Groovster’s – ‘What is the value of perceiving art?’
By researching this particular question, it really helped them ‘realise the amount of work that goes into conserving art, and the many hours of effort involved’. A staff member asked whether or not anything was surprising, their response being: ‘The amount of attention given, and the different technologies and techniques used.’ The Groovster’s really emphasized how much fun they had, and that they really enjoyed this entire experience.
Group two: Hinoliee – ‘What do children think and feel about art?’
The three girls had their ‘preconceptions and opinions changed around how children perceive and view artwork.’ Two main questions that the staff asked once having viewed their short clip, was whether or not anything surprised them, and what it was like interviewing children: ‘Their answers were interesting as they didn’t have time to think about or really prepare before the interview, in ways they tried to make it into more of a conversation - Some of the children’s answers were really in depth, and they saw many things in the art work which we didn’t even pick up ourselves.’
Group three: The Pickles – ‘What is the importance of viewing original artwork in the flesh?
Although The Pickles did not get many questions, they got some really excellent feedback;
‘Sleek editing’
‘The animation helped bring what could have been a dry narrative to life’
‘Great illustrations’
Group four: Gender Group – ‘How does the gender of an artist effect how we view an artwork?’
A discussion took place after their short clip was shown – many of the staff were interested in the raised question. The Gender Group stated that it ‘definitely should be, because it gives you a sense of where the artist is coming from and helps engage with the artwork more.’ They also suggested for the Gallery to experiment and see if this changes how people view art.
Once the questions and feedback session had finished, each of the Interns were presented with a certificate presented by Principal Curator Zara Stanhope, stating that they had successfully completed the seven days at the Auckland Art Gallery.
Overall the feedback from the teens was that they had a wonderful time working with and meeting new people, and that each of them have and will take heaps away from this experience. On behalf of the AUT Mentors I would like to thank Selina Anderson, Vivien Masters and Meg Nicoll for all of their hard work and contribution towards this internship, Nicholas Maw for helping with the social media side of things, the Gallery staff for their help and support with the interviews, the interns for their incredible participation, Clinton Watkins and AUT University for supplying the technical gear, and Trade Aid for their generous donation of chocolate. Without all of the above, the past seven days would have been nowhere near as much of a success!!