Tuesday 6 May 2008
Sarah Eades
Sorry for the lack of writing. Things got a bit hectic. However im back on track now and going over the memories of the last days in Canada and San Francisco.

I was stunned by the building (and impressed by the website) of the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa. Not only do they have a most impressive Louise Bourgeoissculpture Maman outside (as shown above). But the whole building seemed beautifully set up for families. There were children's activities hanging from the walls, a large outdoor/indoor area with plants and a shallow pool right in the middle of the building to relax in and allow the kids to run around away from the artwork. The cafe had lots of room to move around in and the whole place had a great feeling to it. Lots of natural light in corridors from ceiling panels also. It was defiitely worth a visit.

Joe Fafard, Running Horses, 2007 (detail), Collection of Joe Fafard, Artist. Photo: Don Hall
While there i saw a special exhibition by Joe Fafard with some very popular and impressive sculptures. I visited on a Thursday and it was packed!
Not to be missed from their permanent collection is the "giant baby", as title by the 3 year old i was with, a huge sculpture of a newborn by Ron Muek. Totally engrossing and hard to believe how real it seems when you are in there.
The only disappointment was the lack of postcards of the exhibition available in the shop, but apart from that it was an impressive experience of a very nicely set out Gallery.